Warning Signs of a Heart Attack. Have your blood pressure checked.
When a heart attack occurs, it is extremely important to recognize the symptoms and respond rapidly. Nearly 50% of patients suffering from a heart attack wait two or more hours before seeking medical help. A person experiencing symptoms of a heart attack should be rushed to the nearest emergency room. Those symptoms consist of a pressure-like squeezing or tightness feeling in the center of the chest that may radiate or move to the left shoulder and arm It may also move to both arms, the jaw or between the shoulder blades in the back. Shortness of breath, weakness, marked fatigue, cold sweats, paleness and a feeling of skipped heartbeats may accompany chest discomfort or pain. Each person should recognize that their symptoms of heart pain may be different from the classical pattern of symptoms and should be taken seriously.
High blood pressure means that your heart is working harder than normal to force blood into the arteries and through the circulatory system. High blood pressure has no symptoms, so it is very important to have it checked regularly and closely follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor. The Central Yavapai Fire District checks blood pressures, free of charge, on Fridays at 8555 E Yavapai Road in Prescott Valley from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. You may also have your blood pressure checked at any of our stations when the crew is in quarters.
As always, if you have questions, please feel free to call us at 759-9933.
This message brought to you by your Central Yavapai Fire District.